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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    Well, not by me ;P Now that I think about it, it's probably fourth after Amnesiac. I guess I just like their weirder stuff? Haven't had a chance to listen to the new album.
  2. Aobaru

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    Well, I thought three per artist might be too much. I chose my top two Radiohead albums. OK Computer would be my third pick.
  3. Aobaru

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    Sorry this is over ten! 14. Viva la Vida, or Death and All His Friends, Coldplay. 13. Oracular Spectacular, MGMT. 12. The Fame Monster, Lady Gaga. 11. Illinois, Sufjan Stevens. 10. Born This Way, Lady Gaga. 9. Lungs, Florence and the Machine. 8. Volta, Bjork. 7. The Suburbs, Arcade Fire. 6...
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