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Search results

  1. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    She mumbled something bashfully in response to Shana consoling her, feeling still rather embarassed. Practice... sure, she had tried practicing... and she still couldn't fly properly. More practice? Well maybe. Gaah, why did she have to be so incompetent? Before her slow and dull mind had time...
  2. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    She could turn into a flying Pokémon... that could fly. Automatically and without much thought, she mumbled: "I can turn into a flying Pokémon." But gaaah, why did she have to be such an idiot and say things? She hoped none of the others, especially Shana, had heard her. For there was one...
  3. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    How direct. She scowled, narrowing her already frustrated dark eyes. There was a small jolt of anxiety at being asked to look at him. Why couldn't she just keep fidgeting with her bag? Arylett didn't respond, simply ignoring him. It wasn't just him that made her uncomfortable, it was all...
  4. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    (The bag's not in her hand, she has her hand in the bag. X3 I can see where it's easy to get confused though, I didn't word it too well.) ...She could feel the eyes on her. Eyes! Aagh. Desperately she avoided them, thinking quickly of something to do. All she could think of was removing her...
  5. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    She continued to fidget about unnecessarily with her bag, feeling around the contents in it. There were several smooth textures and then abruptly it turned soft... she slowly and gently moved her fingers over the soft, fluffy object. It felt nice, good. So soft, with every feather in place...
  6. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Her restless eyes scanned the others briefly. She really wanted to introduce herself. But all this standing up in front of people and whatnot sort of thing always made her so anxious. Her heart was jumping, skipping several beats, racing, as it always had when this sort of occasion came up...
  7. Arylett Charnoa

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    (I'd like to rejoin! Hmm... I think we'll try someone else here.) Name: Arylett (Yaaay for blatant self-inserts.) Age: 16 Gender: Female Pokemorph: Pidgeotto. Appearance: Her skin is dark, sort of tan-ish almost. She also wears glasses, though not quite how you would expect. Sometimes she...
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