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Search results

  1. A

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Got a small question: if I wanted to change the nickname of any of my Pokemon, do I have to state the change here? Or am I allowed to simply edit it in my profile?
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Yeah. The simple effect was a bit of an afterthought; it did seem a bit too much. I did mean "easy target".. I probably just used the wrong words, which I do sometimes. D; Anyways.. [Pirrk] slowpoke (F) Ability: Own Tempo SA: Dual-Minded Pirrk is, like the...
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'd like to purchase [Waka] torkoal (M) bank link; also, I've got a signature attribute, too [Pirrk] slowpoke (F) Ability: Own Tempo SA: Dual-Minded Pirrk is, like the rest of her kind, rather slow minded. She moves slow, she eats slow, she breathes slow, she...
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Valor] phanpy (M) Ability: Pickup Signature Attribute: A Different Outlook Well, Valor always was a different one. As a young phanpy, he never was interested in playing tag with the other children; actually, he liked to watch adult donphan fight, whether it was...
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office It was approved, so I assume you're good. Also, I'd like to get a Signature Attribute approved. It's, uhm, unique. >:D [Valor] phanpy (M) Ability: Pickup Signature Attribute: A Different Outlook Well, Valor always was a different one. As a young phanpy, he...
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Your post in the bank basically needs to link to the post that says what you're buying here. That way, by looking at that bank post, someone knows exactly what you bought, and can check and make sure the monetary amounts are correct. Your post here also needs to...
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office *gets his starters* I would like to buy the following: [Valor] phanpy (M) Ability: Pickup [Pirrk] slowpoke (F) Ability: Own Tempo [Eretus] grimer (M) Ability: Stench [Rotia] taillow (M) Ability: Guts This totals up to $39, I believe. I'll edit this to...
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