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  1. A

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. I hate coconut okay ; ; I love peanut butter. I am morally opposed to anyone liking Samoas more than any other cookie. D<
  2. A

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. fuck no Tagalongs rule all
  3. A

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. yeah, I think they are. also I also love mint oreos <3
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    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. BUT I DON'T LIKE MILK ; ;
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    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. cookies are a very good reason to join the dark side :3
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    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. taglalongs are /much/ better. they're like what Reese's would end up doing if Reese's ever made cookies :3 eh, trefoils are all right. they're kind of bland for me, I always preferred the fact that all abouts had chocolate :3 and I always preferred...
  7. A

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. you want thin mints, samoas, either of the peanut butter cookies (I find tagalongs better personally), whatever the lemon cookies are called, and all abouts if you can find a box somewhere since those were discontinued :(
  8. A

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. i hate coconut. :c
  9. A

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. thin mintsssss (although imo tagalongs beat both)
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