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Search results

  1. A

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Writing up and determining the next game's roles now; will send out shortly.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] odds are i'll keep the same people that participated in the last one (although instantly killing off geekydragon) for simplicity, so i don't have to make a new topic
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] i wouldnt say that
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] So is it agreed that we start a new game with all the given players? If anyone has any disagreements you have until tomorrow afternoon, so speak now or forever hold your peace. vm about roleblock: yeah im already planning to mess with that role haha
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Eifie was busy being indecisive x3 I think the majority of the roles are gonna be the same but I'm gonna change a couple that I felt were unbalanced.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Well it just means I think a lot of people may be annoyed at the lack of deaths :p That's not a thing - all the characters have some sort of thing going for them. But you certainly won't be innocent roleblocker next time xD
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Well if we start over hopefully that won't occur. x3
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] I'd like to hear Vehement and the living mafia's take before I make decisions though
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Do you guys even want to finish this game or just skip to the second one I mean (if we do I'll probably fix up some of the weaker links in terms of roles) Or I could always just use the existing set of players and redistribute the roles (or my fixed set). Thoughts...
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] thank you thank you
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] i was happy there was finally a death ok
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] I meant a second mafia with the Warriors theme and roles. Although I do want to make a The Room-themed Mafia at some point.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Would you guys all be up for a second game after this? I have a feeling a number of members aren't finding this game fun so :/
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] LIE DETECTED as for your last statement ummm that's a good question. I think the lie detector is only intended to spot lies as they relate to the person with the lie detector on them. Idk it's kind of a confusing role to have but I figured hey why not. I guess...
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] everybody betray me i fed up with this waruld ; ; ok i'm done clogging up the thread now. before i go though have this
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] Yes they can. leave your stupid comments in your pocket! well I honestly didn't (the game just stagnates and doesn't seem to give you guys any sense of urgency which is the best part of a mafia game (as you very well know from the last day of username mafia...
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [n3] The next morning the cats wake up with a renewed sense of a confidence, feeling that, like the past nights, there will be no casualties today. Looks like they're wrong. A wail goes up from one end of the grounds as one cat backs away from the bushes in horror...
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [n3] btw guys the choices made in this game are making me a sad poly because this game is completely static :((
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] alright so The cats all gathered around one cat they'd chosen as their victim, growling and hissing. The cat they had circled around looked around wildly before dropping his head and sighing. "Fine, I guess there's nothing I can do at this point," he muttered, and...
  20. A

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] The way I see it, if someone is roleblocked, they still target someone - just their action fails to go through.
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