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Search results

  1. A

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    My only experience is with America so I can't really comment on the hypocrisy of the rest of the world. :/
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    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    so that means I've baptized everyone on my bus last year and got baptized by everyone on it as well. o.O
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    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    Very true, very true. The constitutional idea that all people of the US have the same rights does not apply to gays (what with the gay marriage ban in most states and all), and gays aren't even considered property like blacks were up until the amendments stating they were were passed (not that...
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    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    Indeed. America is incredibly hypocritical. Yeah, as long as it wasn't a violent protest. 8D (totally in)
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    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    ... only that's not quite what freedom of religion (under the Constitution, anyway) means. It only means that under US law all religions are equal and Congress can't do anything biased toward or against religion. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or...
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    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    Freedom of speech also means that religious people are allowed to tell you that. You can tell them that they're fucking insane for believing in God and consistently insult every religious thing they do if you want, there's nothing to stop you. :/
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