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Search results

  1. A

    Do animals have souls?

    I'm an atheist and I know that I would really hate it if I died and ended up in heaven. Not because I "hate God" or anything, but because I hate the idea of any afterlife in general; I'd rather fade into non-existence.
  2. A

    Do animals have souls?

    That's emotion. How do you define "soul"?
  3. A

    Do animals have souls?

    ... someone decode this post
  4. A

    Do animals have souls?

    ... they learned to do it, because I didn't notice that the first cat was doing it until a few years after we got him. I noticed the second cat doing it about a year after we got him and I suspect he picked up the door-opening skills from the first one, because he's a pretty stupid cat normally...
  5. A

    Do animals have souls?

    Both of my cats can pull my closet door open. :o
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