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  1. Barubu


    @Everyone questioning my mom's reasoning: me+girl my mom doesn't know who lives in Indiana with the name Mystari=Every parent sense tingling at once. @Brock: I'm sort of out in the open, seeing as I'm on our home computer right by the kitchen, plus my brother would find out somehow. He always does.
  2. Barubu


    Yeah, but I wouldn't feel right going behind my mom's back like that.
  3. Barubu


    My mom says I'm not allowed to PM her or anything because her name is Mystari which my mom finds suspicious.
  4. Barubu


    Yeah, the whole 'I will tell mom whenever you do something ever' philosophy gets kind of annoying, but it also means that he won't hold anything against me.
  5. Barubu


    I'm sorry to say that, because of my mother's orders, I can no longer date Mewtwo, because she's from the internet.
  6. Barubu


    Thanks everyone (Except Blastoise but he knows he's happy for me.)
  7. Barubu


    We have seen pictures, but she does live a few states away.....
  8. Barubu


    Mewtwo and I are now officially "Going out". Discuss.
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