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Search results

  1. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    "Well, Blazaria, we're all talking about it in the open because every single person on earth is nothing but an idiot in the larger scale of things." Mitch hated to admit this, since his analysis was usually the only thing he was any good at, other than a few combat tactics, which unsurprisingly...
  2. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    [OOC: It's alive! It's aliiiiiiiive!] Mitch considered Ciara's point. "Well, first of all, they may want to know how to splice humans and pokemon simply because it gives them certain attributes. As you said, why would they do this when they already have the full-blown pokemon at their disposal...
  3. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch raised an eyebrow at Alex. "It's a good thing you're so small, then." He looked at the battle between the Ninetails and the idiotic Grovyle again. He's going to give me a bad name. He thought. He began wondering about the possibility of having more grass-type attacks than he did as a...
  4. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    "Alex would steal the whole city if he could fit it in his pocket." Mitch pointed out. Saito let out her team, and Mitch watched as each of them in turn was introduced. He still didn't like Zert being able to enter his mind. He could probably poke around, in things he had no business in. He was...
  5. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    "Unfortunately," Mitch looked at Blazaria. "Alex is right. We can't practice much until some- no, all of these people leave. But, when we get a chance, I'd gladly test out some powers with you." It was a promise of sorts. In truth, Mitch only knew he was more agile than most humans. He wasn't...
  6. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch began to wonder how humans determined acceptable sanitary levels of certain location. This place was definetly low on the list, and had the odd smell of sweat to prove it. I suppose they have their reasons... He thought to himself. An ongoing battle in another corner occupied most of his...
  7. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch stood up with the others, and just barely saw Alex stick something in his pocket. He didn't get enough of a look to see what it was, but he could pretty easily guess. That kid is ridiculous. He thought. Those things can't have any value, and I doubt we'll need to bring our own to any other...
  8. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch found himself not protesting Blazaria's clinging this time. He let her hold his arm without a word. He had gotten the water off his face already, so didn't see much use for the napkin, so he set it back in front of Blazaria, muttering a little thanks. Of course, Blazaria had to state that...
  9. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch was surprised that Blazaria had let go so easily this time. You mean she'll let go if I let berries go up my nose?... Actually I think I'll stick with her over the berries... Mitch thought, rubbing his irritated nose. He responded to Blazaria's apology with a shrug, and an apathetic grunt...
  10. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Ciara? Mitch thought for a minute it might be some ridiculous ploy to gain their trust, but then realized that would be pointless. Why pose as Ciara and run the risk of encountering the real Ciara? So he did his best to smile at her briefly, the closest he'd ever get to saying, 'So happy you've...
  11. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    She... She let go? Well, not entirely, at first. She let go with one hand, and with all her weight hanging on the hand around his neck, Mitch felt his airways close. He made a gagging noise before she let go entirely. rubbing his neck a little grudgingly, Mitch sat down, taking the menu. He had...
  12. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Of course, I don't have imagination. I like facts. Mitch thought bitterly to himself. She clearly has no intention of letting go. If she still hold on with one hand and feeds herself with the other, I might legitimately scream. He knew he might scream, but again he realized that he had no...
  13. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch was happy to see Blazaria awake. Not happy enough though, seeing as she wouldn't let go of him. She must hear things selectivly to a fault, if she picked food out of all the things we discussed. "Was the dream, by any chance, about food?" He wasn't entirely sure she could have had a very...
  14. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch heard the word 'dining hall,' and immediatly realized just how hungry he was. Those nasty nutrition bars hadn't done it for him. But he looked at Blazaria. "Should we really leave her? I mean, what if she wakes up while she's alone? You know, just because she might find us and tear out our...
  15. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch tried staring at the wall to distract himself from Blazaria's contact. "Yes, I think we'll sleep here, assuming that nothing urgent comes up. If what Saito said is true about our image being sent around with hers, we may need to move sooner than we'd like. It all depends on what the...
  16. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    "Ah, well, uh..." Mitch caught Blazaria awkardly, unsure what he was supposed to do. "Um... Yeah, what Saito says. Few more days, then Kanto." He kept hoping she'd let go of him, so he didn't have to feel so confused. Hadn't she just been brooding a moment ago? Unless she's aware of how strange...
  17. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    "I know..." Mitch replied to both of them. "I know we didn't escape. How could we have escaped and all been seperated? Much less become human. But saying we did helps me. Helps my resolve. Let's me feel like I know what I'm doing." He almost laughed at their checking for bugs. "You know, their...
  18. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Mitch, still wondering how all this got out of hand, saw Blazaria's flash of anger. He understood it. Much better than he understood her usual giddiness. Saito seemed suddenly very compliant to help them out. Probably because of Blazaria's light show. The jig was up. Someone was determined for...
  19. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Blazaria asked, "Why not now?" Mitch sighed. This was getting too difficult. "Because, it's a really long story, and I think it would be best if we make sure we have a place to sleep first, in case the conversation carries on through the night." It sounded legitimate. Technically, it was the...
  20. Black Yoshi

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Zert... Mitch thought to himself. I hope he isn't poking around in my head right now.... He turned to Saito, and began wondering what she meant about her name. "Who's your father? I've never heard the name Kuroha.... Kurom.... Ku-ro-har-i...." He had to say it slow to get it right. "Yeah, I've...
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