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Search results

  1. Blastoise Fortooate

    Open A Shadowy Past

    (Nope. Dox ze cranidos is in Patches' 'arms'. He's loving it.) "Oh," said Graham, suddenly a bit more excited. "This little guy down here is Dom. He's a kricketune; those guys up there are Patches and Dox." He then realized what little that told her. "I'm from Sinnoh," he added to clarify...
  2. Blastoise Fortooate

    Open A Shadowy Past

    A whoooing noise from above was, again, heard as Patches floated past with a delighted-looking cranidos in tow. This, for some strange reason, drew odd looks from passerby. Weird. Graham, in turning his head to follow their movements in the sky, caught sight of someone behind him. She was a bit...
  3. Blastoise Fortooate

    Open A Shadowy Past

    A low, purpley-blue orb hung in the sky, floating in the breeze and making good time. It was headed towards Goldenrod, and the sun was to the right of it, still slightly touching the horizon. The balloon made a low-pitched whooping sound, expanding and then recontracting. The creature had a...
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