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Search results

  1. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    gosh darnit res i can quote things too watch me quote magcargo's BW entry "Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell." I don't think we should be going strictly by pokédex as far as ASB is concerned. I wanted to be sure for reasons that...
  2. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Do zubat have eyes? How much can a gulpin rapidly expand without hurting itself?
  3. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Well, I was worried that it would technically be 'Swift Crawling on the Seabed' but. My fears have been alleviated. Thanks to you. I was less worried about drowning and more worried about 'oh no i've filled with water and now i am upisde-down and my balance is off oh dear lord this was a...
  4. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Speaking of kabuto, how well can they swim? More importantly, can a shedinja stay underwater indefinitely?
  5. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    To be fair, it must be quite difficult to keep track of what questions one has been asked.
  6. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    If you're talking about the Metronome Contest specifically, you pretty much surely wouldn't be allowed to use Transform at all unless it was one of your random moves.
  7. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Are snake pokémon limited movement-wise in the same way as actual snakes? For example, can a seviper move on a slick surface such as ice or glass? I ask because normal snakes have to grip something with their scales in order to move. Does a girafarig have any blind spots?
  8. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Can a Whirlpool or something similar be used to target something other than an opponent (a rock, a telephone pole)? Will it work the same?
  9. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Also, I would assume that both of your pokémon would have to move at the same time, which means that the faster one would have to wait for the slower one unless they were the same speed.
  10. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    If I owned a pokémon that evolved fully, and I traded it away and got it back later, can I change its signature stuff or not?
  11. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Why do you sound so disappointed? 0_o
  12. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    I'm assuming lotad would have gills? Otherwise, they'd all drown, correct?
  13. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Ah, okay then. Just wanted to find out!
  14. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Kusari's got a point, but it still (according to Bulbapedia) floats in that pikachu short about the Pichu Brothers.
  15. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Shouldn't geodude be able to consensually hover? It floats in one of the Pikachu movie shorts and in Stadium, and there's a shadow under it in every post-Gen II game.
  16. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Hmm, I was misinformed. By a herpetologist, no less. And wikipedia. Disregard, then.
  17. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Can croagunk breath underwater?
  18. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    You also get to change a signature attribute or move if you get something in a trade, if I recall.
  19. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    too long; didn't read
  20. Blastoise Fortooate

    ASB Rules

    Can a ghost possess a humongous object, such as a gigantic jello cube, or can it phase indefinitely in it without having to possess it?
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