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Search results

  1. Blaziking the God General

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Jackson stared at the door for a few minutes. He wondered what Professor Oak had to get to that was so important. He looked at his Poke Ball and sighed. Bellsprout definately wasn't the Pokemon he would've chosen.
  2. Blaziking the God General

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Jackson opened his eyes. He turned to face his alarm clock. It was 9:32. Jackson lurched up in his bed. He thought he'd set his alarm for 9:00. Somehow it hadn't gone off. Jackson got out of his bed, got dressed, and ran downstairs. "Honey, would...
  3. Blaziking the God General

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Uh, do I make my introductory post now?
  4. Blaziking the God General

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures ...*points to avatar*...
  5. Blaziking the God General

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Oh right, my bad.
  6. Blaziking the God General

    [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures

    Re: [Invite only] Pokémon: Kanto Adventures Hey - maybe we can go to the Sevii Islands later and get Johto Pokemon. :D OH! Idea! What if the game corner has Pokemon from other regions? *Is excited* Forum Name: Joe. (Kidding) Blaziking 175 Char Name: Jackson Age: 13 Gender: Male Personality...
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