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Search results

  1. Blaziking the God General

    Tension : A Final Fantasy RP (Sign-ups and OOC thread)

    Mkay, so I'm not allowing people to do second characters, but Evoli you seem to have spent so much time on yours that I'm afraid I'll have to accept your second character. But other than Evoli, no second characters. Please.
  2. Blaziking the God General

    Tension : A Final Fantasy RP (Sign-ups and OOC thread)

    Well we certainly can't start with only three people can we? Once we get two or three more we'll start. I won't close the applications until the end of the first part of the RP. EDIT: Alrighty then, it seems like we're not getting anyone else but the three of us for now. I'll start this on...
  3. Blaziking the God General

    Tension : A Final Fantasy RP (Sign-ups and OOC thread)

    Midnight you need to do the history before I can accept you.
  4. Blaziking the God General

    Tension : A Final Fantasy RP (Sign-ups and OOC thread)

    Good good good, nice to clear that up.
  5. Blaziking the God General

    Tension : A Final Fantasy RP (Sign-ups and OOC thread)

    Evoli is accepted ~ Nimler, I will accept you, but I just need to know did Carius steal the fancy clothing or did he buy it? And apparantly, Zalchius is popular.
  6. Blaziking the God General

    Tension : A Final Fantasy RP (Sign-ups and OOC thread)

    This RP borrows many similar elements from Final Fantasy, but is placed in a world and plot of my creation. The Dark Cloud appeared nearly 10 years ago today. The cloud has never ceased its cover upon the region of Jeareth since it first appeared. Even after rain storms, the cloud only grew...
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