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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    No, you don't. You really, really don't. (Well, the original reason I said that was after 1x03 and "BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO." But the reason I'm saying it now is because 2x03.)
  2. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    Well, it was delightful! Sherlock was pretty delightful too in that episode, actually. :D Though I was actually considerably more delighted by the entirety of from both Sherlock and John's side and could discuss that at considerable length if somebody cared. It was so good. Also have I...
  3. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

  4. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    ...that is the greatest thing I have seen in my entire life. <3 Investigating Investigating for Investigating for two Investigating for twooooo minutes WHEN IT'S WITH SHERLOCK YOU ONLY NEED TWO MINUTES, CAUSE HE'S SO INTENSE. EDIT: PRETZEL SHERLOCK. This person is nuts and I adore them for it.
  5. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    Oh, John is definitely Gryffindor. The man has guts. I think I pretty much agree on yours, really; Sherlock has that obsession with being right and better than everyone that seems like a definite Slytherin trait. I might see Lestrade as a borderline Hufflepuff, though; he's pretty realistic...
  6. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    Oh, God, that is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.
  7. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    So I was shopping at the local nerd shop and found they had the DVD! About to watch the pilot now. :D
  8. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    My definitive favorite of the Lord of the Rings movies is actually The Two Towers. I just enjoyed the hell out of all the buildup and general epicness of the battle and there are scenes in it I just really, really love. Admittedly, I've only seen The Return of the King once. Yeah, I love the...
  9. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    But if that was the case, why was the first thing Sherlock asked them after solving the mysteries always an urgent "Where are you?"? Hardly necessary if the police already knew about them. Further, the police could then have tried to catch the sniper instead of relying on Sherlock solving the...
  10. Butterfree

    Sherlock Club

    This is a club about Sherlock, the new BBC miniseries modern-day adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. Discuss the unending adorableness of John Watson, Sherlock's amazing hand gestures, Moriarty's BARKING MADness, the evilness of the ending, and the details of every character's sexuality here...
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