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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Because Zero Moment is unlikely at this point and I think it's probably not Mai; they've been fairly helpful while you and RespectTheBlade have been extremely quiet. Also, my contact didn't accuse you; they said you're innocent, then said they might be insane (but that claim didn't make any...
  2. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Right. Although I'm still vaguely instinctively suspicious of Zero Moment, I can't make much sense of the fishing brothers thing if they're different alignments, so as far as I'm concerned it's probably either RespectTheBlade or Dazel. Any comment?
  3. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    The anon didn't send me anything last night. I didn't send them anything either. I'm not sure I see much point since we've established my anon is scum so anything they say to me is probably a lie.
  4. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    You'd basically stated you were going to target me, so I used Fire Fang, which is supposed to protect me from up to one attack and deal damage to the attacker. However, I also took a bit of damage, so more than one person must have attacked me. (Before you go "Hey, Butterfree said she had no...
  5. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Yeah, I agree with Eifie's line of reasoning. Superbird.
  6. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Hah, I figured MF just wasn't using that rule since he didn't comment on the quoted PM. Sorry, hopeandjoy. :( Superbird being the anon... Hmm, he may have just intended to establish himself and Zero Moment as more trustworthy and try to rule out himself as the anon by pretending to have...
  7. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Yeah, I mean, my anon is pretty much almost definitely mafia at this point. Too bad we don't know who it actually is. If it helps, here are the messages I got from the anon, in order: If you think this sounds like anyone in particular, I'm all ears.
  8. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I can send one message to the anon every night through MF. The messages are only delivered at the end of the night, so they can't respond to what I said until the next night and vice versa.
  9. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I'm not particularly reluctant, but my reasoning is basically that if they're telling the truth we're better off not having their identity be public, while if they're not that's probably not their real identity anyway. But given they've apparently been right about Superbird and wrong about...
  10. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Nope, all they said about the restriction is that they can't admit it's them in the thread. My main concern about revealing who they said they were is that if they're actually a useful inspector and telling the truth, the mafia will presumably go on to target them - the handy thing about an...
  11. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Oookay, my contact is now claiming they inspected Dazel as innocent and that they may be an insane cop (which doesn't match up with Zero Moment and Superbird's claim that they should inspect as mafia, so either they're lying about that for no apparent reason, my contact is wrong about being an...
  12. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I don't, as I've been emphasizing. I know nothing about my contact. But I think it's the best lead we have right now, and finding out if their information is accurate seems extremely useful in our situation.
  13. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I have the power "Secret Connection" which says a certain mysterious player has figured out how to communicate with me. I presume they have the same power, or an analogous one. So yeah, it appears to be predetermined.
  14. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Huh. That actually backs up my anonymous contact - presumably nobody but the two of you knew you flip mafia on inspection (assuming you're telling the truth), so either they were telling me genuine inspection results or they just happened to name a player who really does flip mafia on...
  15. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    ...Hm. I just remembered something my anonymous contact said that made no sense to me at the time. They asked me if I thought there was a Mewtwo in the game, which I just found puzzling because we have the character roster already and Mewtwo isn't on it, right? They never properly responded to...
  16. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Ooookay. I have the ability to exchange messages with an anonymous player through the GM during the night. This player has told me they've found out Superbird and Phantom are mafia. While I was disinclined to trust them while they remained anonymous and unaccountable for anything they said, I...
  17. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I took no damage last night either. I'm tired and still a bit confused about what's going on so I'm not sure I can contribute much at the moment; I'll look over the thread again tomorrow and try to say something more useful.
  18. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I guess I'm also going for Light.
  19. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Right, I wasn't here game-yesterday because I was in England and had no internet on my laptop when I thought I would. Sorry about that. This also meant I didn't use a night action last night, even though I could have, because I'm a backup that gets movesets based on people who die (this is also...
  20. Butterfree

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Hey. Blue team. No damage last night, don't have a night action so I didn't use one. There seems to be basically no reason for an innocent to attack N0 so I have to say I'm kiiiinda suspicious of Zero Moment but eh, I guess in a game with damage it's somewhat less scummy than otherwise? Bleh...
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