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Search results

  1. Byrus

    Spore Chat

    I feel like a dumbass; I can't find the right folder to put the file into. The closest I could find was "My Spore creations".
  2. Byrus

    Spore Chat

    ARGH GROX :[ Killing them is taking forever. Has anyone else defeated them? I haven't actually played the main game for a long time 'cause they're driving me insane. Just a suggestion - maybe people could restate their Sporepedia usernames and a list of them could be made on the first post...
  3. Byrus

    Spore Chat

    I like the sound of the expansion pack. Space stage is great, but I really miss being able to run around as my creature and put the wings to good use. By the way, any tips on defeating the Grox? My spaceship has 11k health and I've got the strongest weapon, but I suppose diving into a head-on...
  4. Byrus

    Spore Chat

    I was put off buying it when I heard about the 2000 negative reviews on Amazon thing, but eventually my curiousity won out. I'm glad it did, I'm addicted to the damn thing... I'm playing the space stage in two games right now. Here's one of my creatures: and here he is in his space outfit...
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