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  1. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, it does. (I shouldn't make movie refrenses anymore, sorry.)
  2. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, then Stitch came and stole every left shoe in your house.
  3. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, they lied.
  4. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, the swine flu mutated with the bird flu, so we now have the flu of the flying pigs.
  5. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, i sneezed on the fortunates.
  6. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, i had to end this, because the game is not called 'fortunately/fortunately.'
  7. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately, we now have a line of fortunatelies going on here.
  8. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately, it shall not continue.
  9. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, no one will explain it to scyther.
  10. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately, he isn't really that bad.
  11. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately we're all eating lentil soup ans sisnging campfire songs, so we're alright.
  12. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, moonbows are messing with all our minds. (a rainbow at night, they're black, it's awsome... cept you can't see them... O_o)
  13. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately the pecha berries are not.
  14. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, that leaves Morphs very confused.
  15. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, a group of rabid shroomish are now chasing you for stealing their lettuce. (OMG!! CANNABLES!!)
  16. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately it got enough lettuce out of the drain.
  17. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately there's a natural drain system in the back.
  18. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately i was able to get back to my cave before my flame went out.
  19. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately, i still set something on fire and they're still distracted.
  20. Charizard Morph

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately, i exploded their trucks, and they now have to put out the flaming vehical instead of watching me.
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