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Search results

  1. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Witching beasts... "Yeah, we've, uh... we've heard of them," Jade mumbled in a low voice. She was more than happy to drop the subject when Nice mentioned the prospect of lunch. Now that the battle was over, Jade was suddenly all-too aware of how hungry she was. And the fish that Razael had...
  2. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Jade whirled around at the sound of her name to see Leaf shoving her weight against the much-larger Graydian, who was frozen, muscles twitching from paralysis. Did she actually intend to push him...? But even as she watched, she could see Nova's talons sliding on the ice, almost like skates...
  3. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Everyone rushed across the ice flow, paws and claws and hooves skidding at first but quickly getting their bearings. While Jade kept pace with the rangers, she stayed observant, trying to catch a glimpse of Ayda's items each time the otter whipped something out of her bag...
  4. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    The fishing spot exploded into a frenzy of action, attacks flying everywhere, and again, Jade was amazed that the team managed to avoid hitting each other. It almost felt like cheating after all the time and effort she'd put into multi battle training back home. Jade did her best to stay out...
  5. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    That jolted Jade into action. Her allies were already rushing forward, fighting against the river current in their push to reach the rangers. Jade eyed the rocks jutting from the river further downstream and made a snap decision, and maybe it wouldn't work, but she was going to try it anyway...
  6. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Jade adjusted her shoulderbag, watching Nova attempt to make friends with the Nidoran. (Was the Nidoran a ranger? He certainly looked to be here with the rangers, but he wasn't wearing anything. At the same time, it didn't quite feel like he was a wild mon either...) "So, uh, Nova--did you...
  7. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon
    Threadmarks: Ch02 Finale ~ Dust-up in a Dungeon

    Jade had been out to the Silver Ravine dungeon a few times, mostly just for a few easy errands on the bulletin board--retrieving lost goods, scooping up dungeon dust, that sort of thing. But this was the furthest she'd gone. The Meowth was joined by Leaf, Koa, Archie, Astrid, Nova, and Prim...
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