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Search results

  1. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office umm... Derp? Meowth, you seem to be slipping up.
  2. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office type would be like, normal or water, but I would suggest water. stat would be physical, and in this case, power would be 0, as it does no damage. also, how can something have more than 100% accuracy?
  3. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office bumping this to ensure it being noticed. Pokemon: Bes Signature attribute: Constant Rotation The body of a normal Baltoy only rotates if it is using Rapid Spin. However, Bes's body is rotating perpetually due to a series of events including deflecting a series...
  4. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Pokemon: Bes. Signature attribute: Constant Rotation The body of a normal Baltoy only rotates if it is using Rapid Spin. However, Bes's body is rotating perpetually due to a series of events including deflecting a series of other, more powerful Rapid Spins. This...
  5. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Dexter] (male) ability: N/A Signature Attribute: Generation 1 Along with appearing to be of a... simpler construction, Dexter is from Generaton 1, giving him limitations. Dexter came to this time using Bill's time machine. Being from when he is, Dexter has a...
  6. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Well, that's the thing, it defies logic, being from a freak accident and all. But, If I must, Pokemon: Bes. Signature attribute: Constant Rotation The body of a normal Baltoy only rotates if it is using Rapid Spin. However, Bes's body is rotating perpetually...
  7. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office let's try again, then. Pokemon: Bes. Signature attribute: Constant Rotation The body of a normal Baltoy only rotates if it is using Rapid Spin. However, in a freak accident while he was using the move (which included him countering a rapid spin with a rapid...
  8. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Whoops! how did I screw that up? Pokemon: Bes. Signature attribute: Constant Rotation The body of a normal Baltoy only rotates if it is using Rapid Spin. However, in a freak accident while he was using the move (which included him countering a rapid spin with a...
  9. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Signature Attribute time! Pokemon: Bes. Signature attribute: Constant Rotation The body of a normal Baltoy only rotates if it is using Rapid Spin. However, in a freak accident while he was using the move, Bes's body is now in perpetual motion. Not his head...
  10. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office It was the evasion boost. And now that you say that, can I just eliminate that part? so that it would read: Ramses (M) Move name: Barbaric Rage Having been the hunted by Tailow and other pokemon of the sort in his early years, he had to learn how to hold his...
  11. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Just re-posting this, some changes & to make sure it isn't ignored. Ramses (M) Move name: Barbaric Rage Having been the hunted by Tailow and other pokemon of the sort in his early years, he had to learn how to hold his own somehow. Being a particularly angry...
  12. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office @ Meowth:... 'Kay. Move name: Barbaric Rage Ramses becomes furious, raising all of his stats to their peak potential. It takes 10% of Ramses' energy to initiate this rage, and 50% of his energy is drained due to fatigue, regardless of remaining energy level...
  13. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'm sorry! (Those are usually the people I see approving things. But, I'm not that observant.) Yes, Ramses must be hit by a super-effective move in the previous round- otherwise this wouldn't make a bunch of sense. I can live with that, and fixed! Let's try...
  14. Chief Zackrai

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Time for a signature move for Ramses, my Shroomish. Move name: Barbaric Rage Ramses becomes furious, raising all of his stats to their peak potential. It takes 10% of Ramses' energy to initiate this rage, and 50% of his energy is drained due to fatigue...
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