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Search results

  1. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    Yeah really. Whenever I sign onto Mibbit, no one is there. Ever. now, granted I haven't been there in a couple of days, but I have consistently for like a week prior and it always seems I'm the only one on. But yeah, I'd still like to participate. *looks at my post in the main thread, rendering...
  2. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    Well to me at first glance it looks like "No one should post here for the time being." I'm sorry. :P
  3. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    so wait... the [Closed] thing just means that there are no open positions?
  4. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    Blade, yours is my favorite. 8-) Also, I'm thinking about changing my typing habit. Something a little more annoying, methinks. EDIT: Never mind, I did. Sorry for being so finicky.
  5. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    hey, can I change my strife specibus?
  6. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    yeah, go forward and make a chatroom. I don't have MSN and can't run Pesterchum because I need to be an "administrator" to do so. Thankyah.
  7. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    so, where get?
  8. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    Sweetness. I'm making the sprite right now, and I just couldn't think of hair for it, so I threw on a soul patch, and it just fits. And he might have two horns, but that's if I can't get the one horn thing to work. EDIT: I think I may be done!
  9. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    ... are we allowed to have facial hair?
  10. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    So, BRCB, can my lusus be a Treant?
  11. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    That's alright, I thought of something completely new that I like. That was the plan. okay, I'll wait to see what BRCB says on it. Neateo. Oh, well I was thinking of one horn...
  12. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    I started once, but I never got to finish. I was going with Olive Drab to begin with, but then I saw someone (I think it was you, actually) who also had it, and I didn't think we could duplicate, and White was the next thing to come to mind. Agh... I wanted to do that because I ACTUALLY...
  13. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    NEAT. Ok I'll reserve and get mine started. Name: Vercin Krumop Gender: Male Blood Colour: Mustard Symbol: Just a square Trolltag: cravingSteampunk Typing Quirk: [evrithing is in braketts for sum reezon] [also U spel finetikley and use no punktuashun save for eckslimashuns and kwestchin marks]...
  14. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    What I meant to ask is if there's some website out there that generates these characters or not. Sorry for being confusing.
  15. Chief Zackrai

    SGRUB [Signup]

    Question: Did you guys actually make these characters? If you did, where and/or how did you do so? I might be interested.
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