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Search results

  1. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    And hey, two more! Sorry. I noticed them, but I thought less time had passed than actually had... anyway. Thanks! Could I have a Murkrow (female, Insomnia) please? And thank you! How about some Leftovers?
  2. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Ah, sorry, Flash Fire.
  3. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Thanks, guys! Sorry, 11 minutes means I can't accept your gift anymore. How about a Lucky Egg? Different time zone still works, though. Thanks! Could I have a male litwick please?
  4. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Here y'are. Enjoy.
  5. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Happy birthday, Negrek! Have one of anything on me.
  6. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Cool. How about a Lucky Egg?
  7. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Thanks! Awesome, thanks! Oh, and here's that Lucky Egg for your birthday. Sorry it's late. Thanks! I actually already have a woobat (at least, I think I do... Negrek? How do the vouchers work?), but I appreciate the thought!
  8. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Happy belated birthday, Negrek! I was hoping to get you a tournament battle round in a timely fashion for once, but they were all sold out, the elusive bastards... Instead, have one of anything from anywhere. Edit: And apparently I never got around to listing my own birthday. So I will...
  9. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Happy Birthday, Kratos! Here's a chimchar for you. good god you have so many pokemon why am i giving you another
  10. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Happy birthday, Grass King! Here, have a Nidoran.
  11. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Awesome. Thanks! Sure, if you don't mind giving him up. Hmm... I need some more bugs on my team. A paras, please? And on that same note... how about a venonat? Thanks, everyone!
  12. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Whoops, forgot that I hadn't posted this yet... My birthday's today.
  13. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Garchomp's fine. Um... I'm not entirely sure where I should post to give it to you directly, so if it's okay I'll just give you the $18 here.
  14. Chiropter

    The Birthday Center

    Happy birthday, Kratos, and welcome to the wonderful world of post-teenagerdom. I'll pay for one pokemon/any one thing from a business for you.
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