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Search results

  1. Clover

    something mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: something mafia [day 5] Whatever, I sure don't care about this game anymore, and it looks like I'm pretty well protected anyway. Cirrus, Tailsy, Emerald Espeon, opaltiger, and I are all innocent. I'm not actually inspector, sorry to say, but I'm a tracker of sorts. I was following...
  2. Clover

    something mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: something mafia [day 3] Aww, I love you too! :D Really, opal's interest in this game is pretty much the only reason I'm still interested :T not only is no one dying, but when I tried to send in my own action like /ten minutes/ after I got the day notification because I forgot, Mike was...
  3. Clover

    something mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: something mafia [day 2] I'll go ahead and abstain, if only to get a tie for the other vote. (Not that I wouldn't mind going after Green, either, but ... ... I don't have a but.)
  4. Clover

    something mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: something mafia [day 2] Ohhh yeah, I forgot. After I even pointed it out in the other thread, herp. (seriously what is with the alien hate :() Iunno. Lucky docs? [tirade of all other possibilities that gets brought up every time in this situation]? /shrug.
  5. Clover

    something mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: something mafia [day 2] I think what might have happened is the mafia hit someone who was healed, and then the doctor healed the same person and the mafia tried again in case of alien? that's happened often in #mafia to me, anyway. anyway I have an information role but it's currently...
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