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Search results

  1. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    oh? Thanks... ^^; I haven't really given up, but I'm a little intimidated by all the posts and working on a fic as well. I'll probably get around to it, buuut I prefer a rather higher quality (this isn't at you, just in general) than what you usually see in tcodf RPs. Like surskitty said, "I...
  2. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James It's seawater. Deal with it. A pair of sunglasses and a pack of mint gum do fall into your lap when you think-request it, though. Trotting off ahead, you spot a wooper having fun with a marill: he holds on to her tail with his little legs, sitting on the ball, and she spins round (right...
  3. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James You are a terrible, terrible person. The dreamscape makes your belly flop hurt just a bit more for all the puns. Thankfully, the lapping waves break the surface enough that it's not the fall that pains, but the salt water in your eyes and nose. ... Good for your sinuses! When you rub...
  4. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James On your vantage point from atop the ludicolo, you spot a female seel and male horsea in the water. The dragon pokémon releases a cloud of obscuring ink... well, less of a cloud than a squirt. Poor tiny ineffectual horsea. werefish5 How interesting that you think in games and...
  5. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James "STAND AND DELIVER!!" you call as you leap from the carefree pokémon's head to the squirtle's. The tiny turtle pokémon looks up in terror with a "squir?!" and has just enough reflexes to withdraw into his shell before your landing. Again, it's a good thing the dusting thing doesn't take...
  6. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Amaraia410 As you walk down the flower field, you see a purple nidoran strolling along a mareep! ... They don't seem to be fighting at all; they're chatting happily and smiling at each other. The sheep pokémon points his friend to a verdant patch of millet and they begin nomming cheerily...
  7. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Flareth In exchange for a no-cost area, I did mention that RP is nice~ I mean, bare minimum is okay, but you're less likely to get two... As in this case, where, as you try to sneak up behind the arbok, he suddenly turns around and smacks into your chest! The force knocks you down even as he...
  8. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James After an experimental poke, then trying to use the ludicolo's hair to climb up, you're helped up onto the lilypad by the ludicolo's giant oven mitt hands. Using the fuzzy growth as a saddle horn, you guide the pineapple pokémon (who attempts to muffle its rhythmic groove, for your sake)...
  9. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James You sure thoroughly ignored the heck out of the dream. yep. Well. You might just have been bluffing, but does the ludicolo that just formed from a shell of silver sparkles and blue crystal know that? It looks just the same as any ludicolo you've ever seen - silly hat, sillier dance (and...
  10. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James The metaphorical paper airplane combusts into metaphorical ashes! The dream is metaphorically pouting petulantly at you. Or maybe it admires your spunk (if that's what you'd call it), because just a few strides from you, in water probably between your knees and your waist, you see a...
  11. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James The dream has noted your objection, written it down to submit to the proper authorities, then folded it into a paper airplane and thrown it at your head. If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts... Also, flicking things in the head behind them is not a good...
  12. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    James Letting the water lap your feet, you see a poliwag nibbling the white end of a slowpoke's tail. He hasn't seemed to notice her yet.
  13. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Amaraia410 Wandering around some more, you spot a sentret attempting to nibble a sunflora! He waves his thick head from side to side, trying to get her off. James You pounce fiercely up the mysterious staircase like a fierce thing! Lucky you don't fall and break your neck! ... Okay, it's...
  14. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Amaraia410 One of the heads of the doduo looks at you, and the other looks at your hand. You don't have any food. Feh! The doduo pecks at your hand in defiance, but it's hard to be defiant when you're suddenly crystal dust and sparkly light. Inches away from your true (but is it true?)...
  15. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Ninja Chatot You could if he was still there, and not in a love ball in another time and space. He turned to light and dust and disappeared. Anyway. On your next trek, you see a mareep being bitten by a raticate! The sparks flying through her wool aren't doing much to detract him. James The...
  16. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Gary Oak When the water in the can is all sprinkled on the soil, you feel a slight breeze rustle the stale air. It flutters up the heads of the flowers (and, against all logic, they stay upright and healthy-looking), but since you're looking behind you you probably notice the girl on the...
  17. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Ruffledfeathers Dreams of rare pokémon running from you, hm? Interesting. It could be a symbol of underlying feelings of inadequacy. Tell me about your childhood. You follow the donphan, trying to catch up to it, but you lose sight when you see a kangaskhan and nidoqueen battling it out...
  18. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Zora of Termina You tiptoe through the tulips, hunting the oblivious raticate. Once you touch her on the tip of her tail, you see a bluish-purple crystal sort of substance travel down to her behind, then spread from there to the tips of her toes and up to the ends of her whiskers. Quickly...
  19. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Ruffledfeathers There's not much more to see: the spearow is pecking at the light-grey, less thick hide of the donphan, though she doesn't seem to be inflicting too much damage. When you step closer, the spearow glances up and cocks her head to the side glaring at you, then decides you do look...
  20. Clover

    What Dreams May Come

    Zora of Termina Jauntily jaunting off in some direction (cardinal directions imply there's an earth with a top and a bottom and magnetic fields, rather than simply an eternal expanse of meadow), you see a sunkern busily collecting dew with her leaves in the shadow of a hill. Nearby, a raticate...
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