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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    How is EXP Handled in the case of Destiny Bond? Do the user and the KO'er both get a knockout EXP point, or something else?
  2. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    It can use it in ASB. You can use ANY MOVE in ASB, really. This list for teecod ASB movepool changes even lists DW attacks. ANY MOVE. For real and for true.
  3. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    You can change (or add one) it when the Pokemon is evolved or if they don't have a sig/attribute already, or if you buy one. I'm pretty sure ones you buy from shops overwrite other ones so you could change it that way.
  4. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    Or you could just, you know, put it in the 'Banned Moves' Section of your battles?
  5. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    We were allowed one DW ability on the pokemon we got for free from the Gen5 Expedition. For example, I have a Deerling with Serene Grace.
  6. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    They gave up because they 'knew they were going to lose anyway', apparently. So, that'd be no EXP, 3$ for me, 5$ for the winner, and the forteiter banned from challenges for a bit? got it.
  7. Coloursfall

    ASB Rules

    Question - One of the battlers in a battle I'm reffing forfited. I had reffed one round, and they'd both used only one Pokemon. What would I do?
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