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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Oh. Well." Aodie snorted and looked around at everyone. "Who here knows what's going on?" She asked, tilting her head "And why we're like this?" She stepped from side to side, still unsure if this was a dream or not.
  2. Coloursfall

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Nnng." Aodie sat up, opening her red eyes. This was odd. She stood, shaking her head to clear it of fog. She looked down at her front paws, her vision finally focusing. "What the f-" She stopped herself before she could curse, her eyes meeting a pair of paws that couldn't possibly be...
  3. Coloursfall

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Name: Aodie Gender: Female Species: Lopunny Appearance: She is taller than most Lopunny, about five and a half feet tall. Her head fur is a shocking neon pink colour, and look something like a Mohawk. Her body is covered in spiraling tattoo-like markings, like ribbons. The fur on her feet is...
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