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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Alaric turned to his sister and exchanged a few quiet words with her. She pulled something that looked like a karate belt, but white and made of what looked like fine, soft leather from a bag she was carrying. She handed it to him, and he tied it around his waist carefully. The moment he...
  2. Coloursfall

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Alaric nodded and gently removed his arm from Ece's hands, but curling his fingers with hers. Ece smiled, leaning into him again. "Should we take on our... other forms as well, Madame Shana?" Ece ventured, voice tiny and scared sounding. Alaric tilted his head to one side, like he was...
  3. Coloursfall

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Two tanned teens stood together a little ways away from the group of others, the slightly-smaller girl holding the boy's arm tight. She looked a bit scared, and faint, as if she would pass out if she wasn't clutching the boy's arm. He, however, had a determined spark in his eye as he gazed at...
  4. Coloursfall

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    and now for something completely different~ Names: Alaric and Ece Age: 16 Gender: Alaric = Male, Ece = Female Pokemorph: Alaric = Gallade Ece = Gardevoir Appearance: Alaric and Ece are twins, and, as such, look similar. Alaric has long, unruly blond hair that curls at the ends, falling...
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