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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Hmmm.. I want a Meganium, Ampharos, Persian, and Umbreon, and that's all I know for sure right now...
  2. Coloursfall

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    ^ o_O Why wouldn't it be DSi compatible? iirc the DSi is just a smaller DS with more fancy features.
  3. Coloursfall

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I'm seeing a lot of 'THEY CHANGED IT NOW IT SUCKS' About the female chara. :/ If she was the female chara in a new game completely I bet there would be way less people complaining about her. I see nothing wrong with change. The female PC is adorable.
  4. Coloursfall

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Why are there three threads about this one event? but anyway, I'm going for Chika! And I'm gunna reset until it's female since male Chika always scared me. :C And I'm getting Silver since that was the game I had of the first pair. (I still don't like Johto but for the sake of completion...
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