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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    0/10 ow my retinas that is quite possibly one of the ugliest avatars i have ever seen i'm very sorry sir
  2. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    3/10 - :c as much as i like in-game sprites, they're one of the most boring avatar types
  3. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    8/10 - O: I also like this one! I find it really hard to pull off drawing Gallade, so the artist did pretty good, I must say. He's cute~
  4. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    8/10 - it's pretty~ I do find the white background a bit jarring though, but that just may be because I use Axe Murderer style, so.
  5. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 - the more i look at this thing the more amusing it gets. I want oooone.
  6. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10 - those look yummy. numnumnum
  7. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    8/10 - ffff I love that 'mon. It makes me giggle. I kinda want one.
  8. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    6/10 - it's okay. :B
  9. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 - Is pretty :3c
  10. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    1/10 :/ I hate that meme SO MUCH.
  11. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    4/10 - :c just recoloured official art, with a white background, yadda yadda.
  12. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    5/10 - It's...a cupcake. yay.
  13. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    3/10 - I... just don't like it :/ It's kinda....funny lookin'. Props for making it yourself tho.
  14. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 - Spy! :3c And the art style seems very familiar...I can't quite place it though :c Is pretty though.
  15. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 - ooooh it's cute :3c Very simple and such. It's a bit...I dunno, fuzzy? to me though. ETA: >:C Ninjaaaa'd 5/10 - it's....eh. :/
  16. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10 - for an old school sprite, is pretty badass. :3c and yep, it's a song.
  17. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    8/10 - :3c she's pretty
  18. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10 - not bad, not bad. Did you draw it yourself?
  19. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    4/10 yourself~ Eh since the manga ended I've just...I dunno lost my spunk for FMA :/ I still like it though.
  20. Coloursfall

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10 - i like this one better than the last one!
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