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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny extended a paw, a thin wall of green energy encasing her, and the attacks washing harmlessly off it's surface. The normal route wasn't working...so she'd have to try something new. Dropping the bubble after the attacks were gone, Lopunny burst into tears, her body giving off powerful...
  2. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    With a soft sigh, Lopunny cracked her knuckles and leapt forward, shoving Hitmonlee out of the way of the attacks, her body shining a bright glow alternating between between pink and purple. She crossed her arms over her chest to brace herself, the blue fire bouncing harmlessly off her chest...
  3. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny looked skywards as a rainstorm brewed, smiling. She cocked her head to the side a bit, and eyed Dusknoir with a grin. "What's a rainstorm without lightning!?" She hissed, raising her hands to the sky and summoning a massive bolt of crackling electricity from the heavens and sending it...
  4. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny growled, and rocketed upwards with her strong legs in a Bounce to avoid the thrashing Dragonair, then landed safely after it was done attacking her. She charged a Shadow Ball between her paws, ready to fire it, but squeaked when she saw the fireball coming for her, and shot it off a tad...
  5. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny growled softly, cursing under her breath. Dragon Types were annoying, but they could do it. She charged her hands with cold energy and lunged, pushing herself forward with her powerful legs, making her faster than the foe without a doubt. ((Ice Punch x 2 + Quick Attack))
  6. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    With a hiss, Lopunny covered herself with a shimmering layer of pink energy, reflecting the Thunderbolt back at the Mismagus. Then, she swept the clones and Mismagus with a Foresight, and lunged forward, her hands glimmering pink. She concentrated the memory of all her friends into her attack...
  7. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny sighed. More Shadow Balls? Ghost types were dumb. She slapped Hitmonlee hard across the face to knock him out of it, and then encased the both of them in a weak protect shield. After the attack was over, she dropped it, and her eyes glowed red for a moment, two beams of red light...
  8. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny, who had been following after her partner, sighed at the Attract. Men. She glanced around at the ground for any good-sized rocks or anything that may be useful in attacks, readying a Shadow Ball and cloaking her fist in flames. She combined the Shadow Ball with the Fire Punch and lunged...
  9. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny ducked the Sucker Punch just barely, the Haunter's claws grazing her ears. She winced in pain and she smacked the two others with the Fire Punch attacks, then jumped back. She yelped when she saw the Haunter toss her partner at her. She reflexively grabbed hold of him, skidding back a...
  10. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    With a snort, Lopunny held out her paw and a thin, nearly completely transparent Protect barrier blinked into existence between her and Hitmonlee and the attack. She walked towards the Haunter, the shimmering wall of energy pressing them back. She didn't look impressed, and a small black-purple...
  11. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    With a sigh, Lopunny jumped in front of Hitmonlee again, letting the Shadow Balls impact harmlessly into her chest, shielding her partner. She started to laugh, her hands on her hips and tossing her head back to laugh. When she was done, she looked at the floating Haunter, smirking. "How...
  12. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny trailed after her partner, arms crossed over her chest. That was easy...hopefully not too easy, and they would be able to get though this with relative ease. She sighed and looked around a bit.
  13. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny hissed at the sight of the Duskull and quickly tossed up a Magic Coat, her body shimmering oddly pink all over. She stood in front of Hitmonlee, letting the Wil-O-Wisp hit her square in the chest. The Magic Coat gleamed brightly for a moment, then rocketed the flames back at the Duskull.
  14. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny didn't even look at Hitmomlee, a small frown on her brown-furred face. Creepy towers meant ghosts, and that meant she had an advantage here, being a normal type. She cracked her knuckles, and flexed her strong legs, then finally looked at her partner. "Okay. I'll stay ahead of you...
  15. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Growling, Lopunny jumped back a few feet, wincing a bit at the slight scratch the teeth had left; if she hadn't reacted fast enough it could have gotten a proper attack in... She hissed, clenching her fists and lunging, her right fist cloaked in fire, and the left with shimmering cold energy...
  16. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Gagging, Lopunny made her way to the next door, covering her face with her fur so she wouldn't breath any more fumes. She selected door number 3 this time, and braced herself with a Magic Coat.
  17. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    ((But I liiike five D; okay fien)) Lopunny stared at the doors for a while, then finally selected #7, pushing it open gently.
  18. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    ((but the next room five D: I want fives the whole way.))
  19. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    "...hm." Lopunny tip-toed towards the coin and bent down, scooping it up and tucked it in the fur of her ears. Then she walked towards the doors, selecting #5 again.
  20. Coloursfall

    Lucario Palace

    Lopunny snorted at the easy defeat, and then made her way to the next door. She stood before them for a few moments, then pushed open door #5 yet again. "You can take your high and low roads...I'll take the middle road." She whispered, bracing herself with a Magic Coat in case the room tried...
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