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Search results

  1. Coroxn

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Red, my favorite color? OMG, how did you guess? LOLOL
  2. Coroxn

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    Unfortunately, I've been trained to urinate on you whenever there's a disaster. I feel an tsunami coming on...
  3. Coroxn

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Blades? Screw blades! I'll use my freakish ears! A-fricking-gain. The curious tale of Benjamin the Button.
  4. Coroxn

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Is this a coin or a codpiece? (Dammit, ninja'd AGAIN!) My. Head. Is. On. Fire. Why is no-one helping me?
  5. Coroxn

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    My pet candle. Not as fun as I thought it would be.
  6. Coroxn

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    "I knew I should have wished to be a Pinata instead!" (Wrong avatar.) Such an expensive, overrated gong...
  7. Coroxn

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    (I'm being wrongly imprisoned! Why does no one get that!? I'm going back to my corner!) Darn, my feathers and hair are caught up in my horns again! Argh!
  8. Coroxn

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  9. Coroxn

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    I look calm and all, but I'm on fire. Help!!!
  10. Coroxn

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    A girl with a baddass cape staring at a lake.
  11. Coroxn

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    Oooh....a button!
  12. Coroxn

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    Golden frisbies. They're really heavy and you can't play with them.
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