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Search results

  1. Crazy Linoone

    Educational Funding Disparity?

    This is the reason I don't post at Serious Business anymore because I fail at making coherent statements :(
  2. Crazy Linoone

    Educational Funding Disparity?

    Uh, I was actually trying to point out that "horrible schools in gang zones" don't apply to Superbird, whose school district is the topic of the discussion right now. I'm not trying say that all schools in gang zones are good or there are no terrible schools.
  3. Crazy Linoone

    Educational Funding Disparity?

    Re: Political Compass
  4. Crazy Linoone

    Educational Funding Disparity?

    Re: Political Compass If I'm actually misreading your posts, then I honestly apologize. However, I feel like you are implying racist comments, inadvertently or not, and I will attempt to explain my reasoning and hopefully we can figure out whether you're actually racist and do not realize it...
  5. Crazy Linoone

    Educational Funding Disparity?

    Re: Political Compass But that's still racist, because black people do not automatically equal to gangsters, and getting rid of black people isn't necessarily going to get rid of the gang problem because the white kids at the school might be the gangsters and the poor black people have nothing...
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