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Search results

  1. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    So Arylett still didn't think this is a dream. And to be honest, Silvia herself didn't think so, too. But it never hurts to test stuff... Who knows? She might wake up. With quite a lot of trouble involving tangled Escape Ropes and bendy tree branches, Silvia managed to climb on top of the Oran...
  2. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia sighed. Arylett, as unlikely as she may seem, may be more perceiving than she thought. "Yeah," There's not point in lying, "After all, Sora seem to know more about this place than we do. I thought I'd have a higher chance of getting out of here if I follow her..." Wait a second. Now...
  3. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    "Naw, everything's fine," Silvia waved off the Pidgeotto's question. "Although I have no idea where Sora is going. She just yelled something really loudly and flew off..." The Linoone sighed and played with her Escape Rope. Why did Sora suddenly flew off? Maybe she saw something in the trees...
  4. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    "Wait, what?" The winged Raichu had suddenly screamed something and rushed off for no reason at all. Silvia was confused. Should she follow the Raichu? Since Linoones can, supposively, run very fast she should be able to catch up. But she can't leave Arylett.... Or can she? Silvia cursed...
  5. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Feeling immensely stupid, Silvia sat down next to Sora. "You're right," the Linoone muttered. She decided that she should just keep her mouth shut from now on. The Raichu seemed to be distracted by something in the trees for a second. Silvia looked at the trees, but she didn't see anything.
  6. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    She was annoying the Pidgeotto, Silvia knew. But she just didn't want to give up. A strange stubborn streak inside her just won't give up. The Linoone decided to back up for now; there's no point arguing anymore, since Arylett, more or less, wanted to fly anyway. The Linoone scratched the back...
  7. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    "Uh, well..." Good question. Siliva scratched her head. She wasn't really sure why, but it was weird to see a Pidgeotto walk around on the ground. It didn't feel right. "Because you're a Pidgeotto." Silvia finally replied, thinking that this is probably one of the lamest excuses she had made...
  8. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia nodded in agreement. Sora was right -- Arylett did hit her head pretty badly. She still didn't want to admit defeat though. "Next time, then..."
  9. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    The Pidgeotto seemed down. Silvia wondered what she could do to cheer her up... And why did Arylett fall anyway? She was flying fine for a quite a while. Pondering the question, the Linoone walked slowly so Arylett wouldn't fall behind. Why did Arylett fall? It's obvious that she knew how to...
  10. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia sighed. She guessed that Arylett was right... But still. A Pidgeotto that can't fly seems so strange. "Well... I guess you'll just have to walk..."
  11. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia watched the Pidgeotto gulp down the Oran Berry. "Well..." Although she seem like she's back to normal now, Arylett didn't seem to remember anything, so Silvia wasn't sure what she should tell her. "You were flying... Then you fell... And you hit your head on a rock." Silvia managed to...
  12. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Arylett still look very much confused. Siliva decided to get her another Oran Berry. After all, it wouldn't hurt, right? "Stay here. I'll be right back..." With that, the Linoone dropped on all fours again and headed for the Oran Berry bush-tree thing. Silvia first started at a trot, then she...
  13. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia dropped her rope and ran next to Arylett. "Yay! You woke up! Finally!" she couldn't hide her excitement, "I thought you were going to die or something." Then Silvia noticed that the Pidgeotto had no clue what just happened. "You sorta fell and hit your head on a rock and passed out."...
  14. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia was impressed. Sora sure knew her way around... She turned around and looked at the unconscious Pidgeotto. Hopefully that berry would wake her up, or at least heal her a bit. The Linoone started to fiddle with her Escape Rope again. It was starting to become a habit, really.
  15. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia continued walking in nervous circles. Sora wasn't very helpful -- but the Linoone guessed that she can't blame her. The Raichu was also thrown in this strange situation like she was... Silvia decided that she probably should go do something, but what? Maybe she should go find a berry or...
  16. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Silvia watched in horror as Arylett crash landed. Again. But, this time, the Pidgeotto didn't get up. "Uhhh... Are you ok?" Silvia asked. Getting no response, the Linoone carefully walked next to the lump of curly feathers. She carefully examined Arylett. Her eyes were closed, but she was...
  17. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    "Yay~" Finally~ It seems like her convincing skills are getting better. Or at least Arylett is just too easily persuaded. And since Sora is planning to help, Arylett probably won't be as scared. "Well, let's get going then~"
  18. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    "Because you can. And it's faster than walking." Silvia replied. To be honest, the Linoone was quite jealous of Arylett because Arylett can fly, and she can't. And now the Pidgeotto is actually refusing to do something that Silvia really want to do is, to be frank, starting to piss her off...
  19. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    Yes! The ego boost is working! "Well, Arylett, as long as you keep close to the ground, it wouldn't hurt as much when you fall, right? And wasn't it fun to fly...?" Silvia ran out of arguments. She hoped that it'll be enough to get Arylett off the ground.
  20. Crazy Linoone

    Zari Island RP

    What Arylett really needs right now is an ego boost. "Come on, Arylett. I mean, you did lift off and flew on your first try! How many humans so you think could have done that? And real birds in real life had to practice for a long time jumping around on branches to learn to fly. Yet you did it...
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