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Search results

  1. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Star flinched as Eric screamed. Trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, he carefully scooted away from the angry group of Pokemon. The Charizard with the hammer seemed like she was about to attack, too. Thankfully, the Xatu managed to calm them all down. Although the Manetric did look a...
  2. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Star almost tripped over the body before seeing it, being too occupied with trying to hit another camera. "....." The human was bleeding quite a lot from Anseyu's shot, and Star was careful not to step in any of the blood. The last thing he wanted would be to leave bloody footprints for the...
  3. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    The moment Anseyu said three, Star crouched down and shot forward, running as fast as he can. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw cameras turn to face him. A nice blast of Bullet Seed left the machines smoking and no more useful than a piece of junk. Following after Stephan the Manetric, Star...
  4. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Star looked helplessly at Anseyu and Nallina. The Toxicroak told them to duck and run... Yet their leader, Anseyu wants to blast away all the cameras. Star decided to do both. Crouching low, he faced up and prepared to dash out while blasting Bullet Seed from his mouth. And he almost did...
  5. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Nice to meet you all!" Star said excitedly. The day was starting out to be rather interesting. A Lucario that can shoot bullets, a metallic Charizard with a hammer, a black-and-red Toxicroak, a Xatu that has what seems to be snakes on top of her head, and a Chatot with a halo. This is a strange...
  6. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    The Breloom sighed. Him previous adrenaline had warn off, and he just felt tired. "And I'm Star. Or that's what everyone called me." Snowpoint, eh? Star thought to himself. He came from Hoenn, and was never great at geography. The only thing he know is that both Viridian and Snowpoint is really...
  7. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Before he knew what happened, the machine Star was hiding behind exploded. The surprised Breloom flew threw the air, and... something rang in his head. What is it? ORANGE no SLIDE utsusu sora SPONGE no PRIDE burasakete... What is that language? What is this music? It's strangely comforting...
  8. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Star groaned loudly as he slowly woke up. He was lying behind what seems to be a large machine in a rather awkward position. He was lying face down, and there seems to be shattered glass and some sort of strange liquid all around him. A faint smell of smoke drifted around him. The Breloom...
  9. Crazy Linoone

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Name: Star Gender: Male Species: Breloom Appearance: After being morphed with music, the green colors on Star's body became a strange blue that's almost neon. His claws and the berry on his also turned to a bright yellow. Personality: Because he was morphed with rock music, Star is usually...
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