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Search results

  1. Crazy Linoone

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    The second jolt of electricity was enough. The world turned black before Zachary's body could react to the pain. ----- Another jail, Zachary noted sourly as he woke up. There was a neat circular scar on his abdomen, and another one on his shoulder. Well, whatever the soldiers want, they have...
  2. Crazy Linoone

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    ((Why did everything interesting happen when I'm not here? D:)) "Found 'em! They must have triggered the silent alarm when they smashed the tank. Do not aim to kill, they're still vital research to the boss." Soldiers. Of course. Zachary ducked back into the shadows, his body suddenly tense...
  3. Crazy Linoone

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Zachary watched the little argument from the shadows, amused. Edward Elric... Of course. That explained why the boy looked so familiar. Everybody knows the famous Full Metal Alchemist, the youngest State Alchemist and a dog of the military. But Zachary had always imagined him to be shorter --...
  4. Crazy Linoone

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    ((Assuming that I can post now...)) Drip. The sound was familiar, almost comforting. Zachary twitched, his body laying in a strange twisted position in the corner of the room, his dark purple hair cast across his face. A deep shadow cast over his body, making him seemingly melt into the...
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