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Search results

  1. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Once again, Silver stayed quiet as he listened to Rodion’s story with keen interest. A displeased frown appeared on his face when he heard about that jerk Samurott threatening Rodion and his crew — like wow, that whole thing about a prison of starvation made out of an Apricorns, of all things...
  2. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Forming a crew out of folks who are looked down by others while avoiding the pitfalls of darkness… now that was something that Silver could definitely get into and understand. If he were born in Rodion’s world and the now-Sneasel didn’t promise himself to not get involved in a life of crime...
  3. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Ohoh! That was gonna be interesting! Silver idly wished he could have some popcorn to eat while listening to the tale, but with that not being an available option (and even if it were, it probably wouldn’t be edible for him), he limited himself to snacking on a little bowl brimming with fried...
  4. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Silver tilted his head in puzzlement. “Imperial ship, huh?” He smirked and leaned back on his seat, conjuring up many potential scenarios in his mind. Most of them involved cannon balls like in those pirate movies, but he wondered if that’s what they used in Rodion’s world, too. “Well, you...
  5. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Despite himself and his best efforts, Silver stared at Rodion with eyes wide with awe and a bright grin, while a series of soft dooks dooks echoed in his throat. Darn, he was behaving and sounding like a kid, or at least like an excited weasel kit? Yeah, he definitely was, but… oh whatever! For...
  6. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Silver hummed to himself while his gaze wandered on the table. That was such a broad question; what did he want to know? Then, he glanced at his glass of sarsaparilla. The cold liquid reminded him their first real meeting with Sonora, as well as the way Lyle and Rodion sympathized with her and...
  7. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Silver blinked once, then he realized his little slip up and his grin faltered a little. “…Oh. Indeed. Right.” He huffed and shook his head, pulling his glass of sarsaparilla toward himself. “Yeah, I’ve got my wires crossed somehow and mixed a few things up. Too many thoughts have been running...
  8. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place
    Threadmarks: Ch04: Unearthing Truths [Rodion & Silver]

    As per usual, Nina’s Place was packed with ‘mons and customers of all kinds, engaged in lively chatters and conversations and taking their time to decompress and relax with some good company. And truthfully, Silver could really use a nice break after working so hard to help with the...
  9. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Feeling reassured by Sonora’s words (at least she was cautious, which was a big plus), Silver’s worries quieted down and his posture relaxed visibly. He sipped some of his sarsaparilla, pondering the Floragato’s words, before his lips stretched into a mischievous smirk. “Sure, I can accept an...
  10. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    “…Hmph. Sounds like someone wanna try it all with the rest of her seven lives,” Silver said with a joking tone, even if his narrowed eyes and twitching ears gave hints of uncertainty and worry. If the mayor wanted Sonora and her crew dead, it definitely meant that they had been a thorn on his...
  11. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Despite the liveliness of chattering and laughing patrons, it felt like a cloud of dismay had befallen on their table as soon as Sonora finished narrating her tale. Silver could only stare in respectful silence at the Floragato, who seemed to have wilted under the weight of her own past. Unable...
  12. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Silver observed the exchange in silence for quite some time. Whatever words he had in his mind were stuck in his throat. But then, someone brought him his drink, and that was enough to snap him out of his thoughts and give him valor. “…Heh. It looks like we’ve got something in common.” He...
  13. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    “Tch! No poison for me. My claws produce enough of that already,” Silver said jokingly, before tapping his chin in thought. “But! I think I’m gonna try a glass of sarsaparilla. It sounds promising.” Silver shrugged. “Hmph. I was just a guy like any other. But if you’re talking about...
  14. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Silver stared at the Floragato, blinking in puzzlement. “…Huh. Yeah. Just like the river,” he said, retracting his arm and drumming his claws on the table. Okay, that was awkward. Did he accidentally spell out his name as usual? Hm, there was only one way to find out. ‘Shiruba! Shiruba...
  15. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Silver humphed, finding himself at a loss of words. It was almost as if his mind had been split into two parts, with one side wishing to hold onto that spite for longer and the other considering giving to that cat—Floragato a chance. ‘Why should I do that, though?’ he wondered. ‘It’s not like...
  16. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    As soon as that unknown feminine voice rang into his lone ear, Silver’s eyes shot open in alarm. He stared at the green cat-like Pokémon that had joined their table, shocked and annoyed by the invasion of their privacy. What the… where did she come from?! However, when she revealed her...
  17. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    “Hmph. I don’t get what’s the deal with smoking, either,” commented Silver, shrugging. “Where I come from, young idiots begin smoking because of peer pressure or just for the thrill of looking more ‘grown up’. And yeah, it’s as dumb as it sounds.” The former human gazed at his non-alcoholic...
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