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Search results

  1. Cryssie

    Nintendo DSi?

    http://kotaku.com/5059870/dsi-games-are-region-locked Looks like attempting to import one wouldn't be such a great idea after all. :( Oh well.
  2. Cryssie

    Nintendo DSi?

    Well, I have a phone with two, and I'm pretty sure the one facing outwards is also better quality than the one facing inwards. The reason for this, I always thought, is that the outside one is for actually taking photographs of things (you can see a preview on the screen while you're pointing...
  3. Cryssie

    Nintendo DSi?

    Regarding camera quality: some places I've looked at (Engadget, for example) are saying that the external camera is three megapixels. Who is right? D: EDIT: Hmm, there is a comment on there basically saying "it's 0.3 megapixels, update your information"... but meh, who knows?
  4. Cryssie

    Nintendo DSi?

    To those going "argh another DS, whyyyy, that's so stupid" or any variation of that sentiment, you know it was pretty much inevitable, right? It's Ninty. The GBA had three versions, as well: original, SP, Micro. The Game Boy had at least three but I'm not sure which to count so we'll leave it at...
  5. Cryssie

    Nintendo DSi?

    I'm kinda torn over this. I got my Lite on launch and it's looking rather well-used by now. Cracked hinge, permanently mis-calibrated touch screen with one corner that clicks if you press it, the works. The release of a new version of the DS seems like a good opportunity to replace it, and a...
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