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Search results

  1. Dark Shocktail


    Orwell wrote Animal Farm in fear that Communism would spread to England. I studied it in high school and that's the background the teacher gave us. Socialism =/= Communism.
  2. Dark Shocktail


    Then I may I suggest Chinese Whispers by Hsiao-Hung Pai? It's about Chinese immigrants who sneak into England and the sort of lives they lead. Trust me, it's not glamorous. They talk about why they left communist China to have the worst jobs in the country, being paid below minimum wage and...
  3. Dark Shocktail


    Pffft. That'd be fun for about a day, with the looting and general rioting that would ensue. But without people doing their jobs, we wouldn't have water, sewerage, electricity, gas, food... it'd basically be like trashing a hotel room with a huge rock party, then living in it afterwards. And...
  4. Dark Shocktail


    Eh, I meant it seriously. It's cool in theory. Unleash it upon the world and I know I'd be in a bit of a jam since I'm not very fit and I haven't seen much actual combat, combined with the fact that my local area is known for being a bit rough around the edges, as they say. When you think about...
  5. Dark Shocktail


    I like the theory of anarchy. Utter chaos, no ruling class...it's essentially communism but without the altruism.
  6. Dark Shocktail


    Google is your friend. Typed in "Difference in economy between socialism and communism". First page, first link. Same website, just a paragraph down the page. Now stop shouting.
  7. Dark Shocktail


    Learn to read the entire source before quoting please.
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