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Search results

  1. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Ah, but religion probes into questions about what happens after death, how we came to be etc. Not forgetting that it's mostly thought that the biblical stories are metaphors, so it's not a case of "SEVEN DAYS = WORLD!". It could be that God started evolution. *shrugs* But ultimately, I say this...
  2. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I meant how some people go to extremes when face to face in real life. Not debating like here, but actually deperately trying to ram what they think into the other persons skulls.
  3. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    If you want, it can be said that we can't even prove that the world itself exists. So if God or evolution are true doesn't really matter because we'd be debating if imaginary stories in an illusion exist. [/philosophy] Also, why can't you just let people believe what they want to believe? As...
  4. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I'm agnostic >_> I'm NOT SURE. The feeling gives me an idea of something greater, but I'm no f***ing prophet. I'm just a person, what the hell do i know of deities? At least I'm mature enough to admit that I have no damn idea what the hell's out there rather then giving a name or concept to...
  5. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I know I'll be jumped on for this but whenever I quietly meditate on things, at home or on the bus while listening to music, I get a feeling. I can't really explain it properally, because I don't have the volcab to do that yet. I guess it's just a spiritual thing that's unique to each person...
  6. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Just checked the firist paragraph of that Wiki article (I find they get a bit longwinded and really confusing on some subjects ><) and I can agree with you on that Zennyo =)
  7. Dark Shocktail

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I'm not sure. I think there is something but not one all powerful deity that's looking out for us. If there are supernatural beings that create things, I prefer the idea that there's more then one of them over the long standing belief of one God. They don't go out to influence our lives or...
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