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Search results

  1. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you. You had to think about it; you didn't use a random word generator. Is it me, or does the duplicate contain a glorious cinema inside his knight?
  2. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; you must be in some alternate universe where Ben and Jerry's is an ice cream company. Is it me, or did TCoD crash for a while on Monday?
  3. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; the 'it is me' is just in a tiny, tiny font. Is it me or did you skip the 'It's you'?
  4. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; it allows you to do all sorts of fun things. Is it me, or do I hate procrastination also?
  5. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; there is a lot of sound outside the human range of hearing. Is it me or am I tired?
  6. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you. Is it me?
  7. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; it should come naturally. Is it me or is it not coming naturally?
  8. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you. It can never get old. Only you can. Is it me or is black cool-looking>?
  9. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; a year would be a long time. A few months is nothing. (Interesting. We joined on the same day.) Is it me, or am I younger than you?
  10. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you: you're not. Is it me or is Link way cooler than Mario?
  11. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; that one right...there...isn't. Is it me, or is Super Smash Bros. Brawl unbelievably addicting?
  12. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It may be you, but I can't prove it either way. Is it me or is Time Psyduck the main poster on Forum Games?
  13. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you. I'm sure somebody else doesn't. Is it me or have I begun posting on the forum games a lot?
  14. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you. Time doesn't. Is it me or am I hungry?
  15. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you; Wednesday doesn't exist. Is it me, or do you like Psyduck?
  16. Dark Tyranitar

    Is it me or...

    It's you. You need to slow down to finish it. Is it me or have I been almost forgotten by the other users?
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