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Search results

  1. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9/10 Awesome lyrics are awesome.
  2. DarkAura

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    9/10 I don't know- the answer to our explosive ways are in the question. Wait, what?
  3. DarkAura

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    8/10 Well duh, your dad's not a phone!
  4. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    You sure? It could lead to a clue. *snicker* It's does actually have something, but unfortunately, I was told to make it shorter. It was supposed to be ironiclly long. 5/10 Song lyrics are song lyrics. Meh...
  5. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 (Jirachi reach of rhte stars) Jirachi: Nyah Nyah, I'm an event AND a movie, nyah nyah!~~
  6. DarkAura

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    And I'm not a huge fan of it. I know others like it. It's not like i'm starting a conspiracy about or anything. "Takes conspiracy sign away" Why? Wynaut Zoidberg 10/10 Yes
  7. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    Because it's not with the other randoms, it appears in all of my signatures. 1/10 Fish monger....no, just no.
  8. DarkAura

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    [the taste boys boys like] 5.2/10 Umm, meh, is all I can say.
  9. DarkAura

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    (Wut's MT?) 10/10 RAINBOW DASH used TAIL WHIP! It's super effective!
  10. DarkAura

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    Blug, I know it's long, but I cannot shorten it! >=U 8/10 Those lyrics are simply divine! =D
  11. DarkAura

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    (Mine was Made by Espy!) JIRACHI used EXPLOSION on EARTH! It's super effective. 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666/10 Yes. Just, yes.
  12. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    Derp 10/10 Fuck...yes...
  13. DarkAura

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    (spunky, you have to give a reason why you hate mine. Are you just giving that score cause i said that i hate the fish jumping meme? If you are, then thats a terrible excuse to rate low) 6/10 Umm.....those lyrics.......are too random. (You are supposed to be not as random arctica! Why You no...
  14. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9/10 Nice little poem Dammit spunky! 0.1/10 The fish juping is a terrible forced meme. It doesnt make sense. (And what Myst said about the scyther gif, she means, by it doesnt flow, is that it seems....more like a slideshow. Take for instance her Rainbow Dash tail whip. It looks like it goes...
  15. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    umm, i sont nessecarily like just links. And soup fish isnt eally funny. 2/10
  16. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    (Good god, LS! I didnt know that was you till i saw the uername! =O) 9/10 "Deal With It," says Rainbow Dash.
  17. DarkAura

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    [Evil Entrantress dances] 7/10 Seems good.
  18. DarkAura

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    That weird face that you used as a usertitle formerly. 0/10 No, just, no.
  19. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    umm...i ahve no clue what that anime give should be about. 8/10, still looks nice though.
  20. DarkAura

    Rate the Signature above you!

    {Spunky, you have to tell me which ones you are talking about} 5/10 Magikarps do notjump. They flop
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