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Search results

  1. DarkAura

    Grand Carnival

    Well, then some person not so experienced but has seen this pattern woud go after you. *Shrug* But, this means people kill you cause you're experienced....thats something. =P!
  2. DarkAura

    Grand Carnival

    I look at it this way; If your innocent, most people kill you on night 0 If your mafia, then no one kills you, except for a vig, if any. I thought that if you were innocent, it wouldnt matter becuase an experienced mafia player would target you, so then two people would target you. If you...
  3. DarkAura

    Grand Carnival

    You just had to lynch the vig, didnt you? (i'm serious, i thought i was targeting mai the first night. Havent a clue how that came up as donotlookatdiagram. O.O) >=(
  4. DarkAura

    Grand Carnival

    yeah, thats true. No point hiding it, i am the vig. I targeted someone, but i need to check my PMs to see who. I thought i would get lucky and hit the ring master. =( ironic this is my first time as vig and even with role info, i manage to screw it up somehow. =(
  5. DarkAura

    Grand Carnival

    I'm no newbie! I've been here for like *counts months* almost 6 months! just cause i make mistakes on the games i host doesnt mean i'm a newb. >=O abstain, i guess.
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