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Search results

  1. DarkAura

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    I have an idea about riddle I, and I definitely know riddle II. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you got good ASB gifts! EDIT: Since Barabu answered three, I might as well answer riddle II.
  2. DarkAura

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    ~I know the second riddle!:>~ I needed to save $30 for evolution, so I could only give out a Sentret to Rarity (I promised I would) and money to Bulbasaur, but her gave some back. and he gave $1 more, so I'm planning on paying back. I wish I could have gotten more gifts, and I wish I could...
  3. DarkAura

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    I only got berries from bulbasaur...and money back because I gave him money in return, but he said it was the same amount he used to buy the berries... I thought others would give me something...oh well. I shouldn't be greedy. Thanks bulbasaur.
  4. DarkAura

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    I'd like; A starter that's not from Sinnoh Rare candy Money EXP Share Berries A Pokemon that I like. Reffings Strange that this has come out now since my Birthday's only two days away....=D
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