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Search results

  1. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((Personally, I think it's godmoding to one-hit knock-out Darkrai like that. It's a Legendary Pokemon, for Arceus's sake....)) Lightheart whirled around and used Slash on the Crawdaunt.
  2. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Lightheart used Defense Curl and concealed her more vulnerable belly, while at the same time letting only her back show so that any enemy who attacked would get a clawing from her spikes. Then, she used Rollout, bashing into a Misdreavus. The Sandslash had...
  3. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons "Don't know," Lightheart said. "I just want to get going..." She jumped up and down impatiently.
  4. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Lightheart leaped up to Teppo. "Ready for anything. Where is he?" She asked, showing her claws and looking around.
  5. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons "Let's head!" Lightheart cried, holding up a paw, its long claws glinting. "I'm ready to go, so just give the signal!"
  6. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((Maybe you should say in the rules that you can only have one character if that's what it's like.)) "What do you need help with?" Lightheart asked as she rolled up to Ace's side, standing normally for once.
  7. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons A Sandslash curled up into a ball and jumped off the rock she was sitting on, rolling towards the Houndoom ahead. "Time to go yet?" Lightheart asked Ace, flashing her claws. "I'm ready for anything..."
  8. Darksong

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Name- Lightheart Age- 12 Gender- Female Pokémon- Sandslash Attacks- Slash, Dig, Defense Curl, Rollout Nature- Impish
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