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Search results

  1. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Baby skarmory? It looks mostly like a normal Skarmory to me. You could try adding something like a stubbier tail and wings, or making it slightly darker in color. Also, the top of its left (our right) wing looks very thin compared to the one opposite from us. The highlight on its belly looks...
  2. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I love the way you did this. It looks great, but the front of Gardevoir's "hairdo" blends in to what you can see with the back. As some of us had said before, you should keep some of the outlines black where black needs to be used so that we can have more perspective to see what's in front of...
  3. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Usually, outlines are less black than that and more dark color. Also, a little bit more shading would be useful. It looks kind of lightly colored. The mouth also usually has two shades instead of just one.
  4. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    May I please have criticism on this? @Colossal: I think Nin Nin lacks shading on the head. Maybe you should try adding some to make it better.
  5. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    They're all good, but you could save them a bit smaller... I can tell you copy-flipped on this. You need to change the shading on the arms so it fits.
  6. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I need some help on reposes. This first one is actually pretty good, but I still need crit. Houndoom as Mightyena: Gyarados as Milotic: Taillow as Pidgey (mostly scratched): Absol as Mightyena:
  7. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I like the Fire-type Lapras, but the fire on its head could be a bit redder at the base. I can barely tell it starts there.
  8. Darksong

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    How do you do reposes? Are they basically splices where you change everything to the second Pokemon? And I've been wondering how to improve these: Picture 1 Picture 2
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