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Search results

  1. Deitatus

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    Lol, we've gone off topic. Let's stay on topic. You've had quite a bit of info of what pokemon to have, heres some advice for training. Build a nice, evenly leveled, and evenly powered team. Just focus on the E4 now. In between the E4 and N's Castle you can train some more. When in N's Castle...
  2. Deitatus

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    Ikr. I just took the game guide's info. I never used it, but it works. Simply put, the E4's types are Ghost, Dark, Psychic and Fighting. For the Ghost and Psychic, simply get a dark type pokemon. I recommend Bisharp. Despite Bisharp's failure as fainting a lot, its a great pokemon to have. Teach...
  3. Deitatus

    Help me wif my White (version) team?

    If possible, I'd recommend your starter. A fully evolved starter is very powerful, ev trained or not. The Pokemon Black/White Guidebook by the actual Pokemon company, surprisingly has a nice strategy to building a team. It's a triangle, pretty much built around one pokemon. Say we're building...
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