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  1. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    i think still you are boring reading after what told you me read
  2. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    get drunk and you won't be boring no more
  3. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    sober people are boring
  4. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    hooray drinks are on me
  5. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    stay-home dads are awesome
  6. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Thanks Felidire. I will have to read those tonight. :)
  7. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Why is depression more likely if a mother has a male child? Do you have a link to what you read? That is interesting.
  8. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls Duh ...Doesn't make much sense to me, either.
  9. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Dannichu: That was very interesting.
  10. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Never heard of that before. They do suck though.
  11. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Dewgong, please. :3 Yeah at least I was told in school that it was usually the other way around, we started that discussion in sex ed. for some reason. Dunno, could be wrong, don't trust them dewgongs.
  12. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    I don't think what that health teacher says is true. I know lots of girls, and none of them hold their emotions in until the point of exploding. Men are usually the ones who do that. I'm not sure about the annoyed thing.
  13. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Well men are, in most cases, physically stronger, but yes women when defending herself or her children is something you shouldn't provoke. Actually... I was going to mention the mothering instincts of a cat, and the way they just forget about a baby or two, but I just remembered that mother...
  14. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Speaking of all of this color related talk, I don't even see clothes as being "for a girl" and "for a boy". I see clothes as being feminine and masculine, but I don't think any clothes should be restricted for just one gender (or restricted by society, you know what I mean). We just made clothes...
  15. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    I watched that, Skymin. It was indeed interesting. I'm going to quit talking in this thread when I have nothing to say now. :(
  16. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    Do you know the name of the show, I want to see it now? D:
  17. Dewgong

    Differences between men and women

    I agree. The fact that colors are "assigned" to genders, (like pink is a girl color, and blue/red is a boy color, something like that), really bothers me. Pink is not established in my mind as being a girl color, it's established in my mind as being a color. For anybody. A lot of people seem...
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