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Search results

  1. Dinru

    Odd Truths Thread

    I hereby ship you with TCoD shipping. The concept itself, I mean.
  2. Dinru

    Odd Truths Thread

    Oh, don't listen to them. Boobs are boobs, and they're just fine no matter the size. Boys are immature for the most part, especially at your age. Don't worry about what they think is hot and what they don't, because chances are they don't even know what they think is "hot" in a girl yet and...
  3. Dinru

    Odd Truths Thread

    I dunno :3 Maybe we're twins or someth*shot*
  4. Dinru

    Odd Truths Thread

    - I'm painfully shy. I have trouble shopping and ordering things from restaurants on my own because I don't' want to talk to the cashier. I tend to get really quiet and stammer. If someone else is there I always try to make them do it. The first time my Mom saw me buy something on my own, she...
  5. Dinru

    Odd Truths Thread

    - My teeth are terribly crooked, but I wouldn't wear braces ever, because my teeth are awesome. When I smile, my top canines stick out and I really like it. - I think I'm ugly, but I actually like the way I look anyway. Everyone thinks I'm pretty anyway, but I think I look cool in a wierd sort...
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