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Search results

  1. Dragon

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    I know the answer to the first and second riddles :0 Thanks for the presents, everyone~ You guys are awesome and I wish I could give you more stuff to match your levels of awesome. Also whoops I was meaning to send these to Negrek but I forgot. Kratos, Pathos and Kusari, these are for you!
  2. Dragon

    ASB Gift Exchange 2011

    Boss things you could do in no particular order: Rare Candies? 8D Misdreavus (F) Shellos (F) Storm Drain Starly (M) Riolu (F) Inner Focus Pidove (M) Super Luck Budew (F) Poison Point Taillow Larvesta Alternatively, money or really random/weird items. I'll start getting stuff together for you...
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