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Search results

  1. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    It works for the Firefox icon, and well, everything on Vista. >:3
  2. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    The cookie is consolation flavored. >:3 Thank you~~
  3. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Well, that's okay. *hands over consolation cookie* If you could do the black feather for My Computer, that'd be fine. =3 Floating or something~ Forget about the Recycling Bin icons, then. And I don't have shame, so yeah >_>
  4. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    >:3 That's the point of challenges~ And I got the cursor. Thank you~
  5. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    *headdesk* Pffft. I checked what email I gave you, and it's actually windragonortex@yahoo.ca. Without the underscore from before. >_O But I do exist ;_; But technically I don't. =D
  6. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Um, yes please. =)
  7. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Erm, have you sent it to me? I haven't gotten the cursor yet.. or my computer could just be an ass =P
  8. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Requests are open again... MUAHAHA- No. But here is yur icons rekwestses >:3 Okay, I would liek a My Computer icon , and it will be... a dragon. Because I am awesome. Make it completely black, and feathered wings if you can. Bat wings are fine if you can't kthx. Aaaand.. a Recycling Bin icon...
  9. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Awesome :o
  10. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    It might be. >:3 But you closed requests, so I'll just wait. =P
  11. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Cursor, but if you want me to request icons... >:3
  12. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    You seem to have a bit less requests, so. >:3 My email is windragon_ortex@yahoo.ca, and yeah. Pass it on, spam me, whatever. =3 I would liek a black Salamence (well, black where it's normally blue) and darker red wings. Make it flying plz. You are more awesome than me. :o Great not another one
  13. Dragon

    Requests Open Just like a pop-up!

    Hmmm, do your icons and cursors work on Vista?
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