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Search results

  1. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Don't recolour the outline, fully. Leave the black pixels in. Uh yeah nothing else useful to say here. :r
  2. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Uh, some parts have an all black outline, you could put some pixels of a darker shade of the colour you''re bordering there. And her leg looks like it's in a really awkward position, impossible, really, unless she's showing us her back and twisting around to face us. Um, yeah. Also, the...
  3. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

  4. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Okay, so you didn't copy-flip it. I apologize for my mistake. >:/ I meant the tails are choppy, and not really curved. If you didn't have a completely black outline, you could use a slightly darker shade of the blue, and the tails wouldn't look choppy. And full black outlines are supposed to...
  5. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    RIGHT TIME TO MAYBE DECENTLY COMMENT OR PROBABLY NOT Something is bothering the hell out of me on this, but I can't really put my finger on it. It's.. not that good, but it's not bad either >_> The skull thing on its' chest should be centered, I guess, and you probably should've scratched...
  6. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    They're pretty good for your first two scratches, I'd say. Well, Voltorb might not really be that hard, but that spritesheet is pretty cool. Or I'm just easily impressed. The Scyther is lacking in anatomy, its blades.. can't bend like that. And are longer. It seems to be standing on its toes...
  7. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Recolours are nothing special, but uh, it doesn't look recoloured. Nice sprite. The end.
  8. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Keep it in 80x80. And don't put text in the sprite.
  9. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Floaty head=awesum~ I liek it. Only thing I can say, really, is that the shading on the wing(our right) looks.. wierd. Meh. And yes, aragornbird is awesome, no doubt.
  10. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    The halo is turned the wrong way if you want the open end to be at the back of the head. And DarkArmour is right.
  11. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Enekuro: The scratch is awesome. ily. BUt the outline's all black again... Bad you. And.. I think those are splices? Nothing too special, nothing too terrible, either. Ice tiger: The right(our right) arm of Snorlax is... messed up pixelated. I can't realy say much, I don't revamp/devamp...
  12. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Why is the first in a rectangle? 80x80 or 64x64. The second one is pretty small too.. Okay the first thing. What's with it's head, is it supposed to be behind those leaves? That's a dust cloud or sand or something... it looks rough and copy-pasted. The leaf to the right(our right) isn't...
  13. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Isn't that redundant Okay, Zulo's male Combee. Kinda wobbly, you should probably straighten/fix the lines. The left(our left) arm is kinda deformed, and the stinger is.. bad. Doesn't look too attached, blah. And I know it isn't, but the outline looks next to all black. I can see a few...
  14. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Peter: THe outline on the wings are really blocky. Outline=always 1 pixel thick. You copy=flipped, so the shading is wierd too. And the face, try to define it more. MurrMurr: Well, I don't do revamps and know nothing about them. Ask someone else. ..I am soooo not helpful... >_>
  15. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Your first? Pretty good, pretty good. But how does it sit/stand? Wouldn't that hurt? >_<
  16. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    But all sprites don't have an all black outline. See. flareon dewgong sandshrew The outlines have a few pixels that are dark whatever coloured. And revamps are making crap sprites RSE or DPPt quality, so *shrugs*
  17. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Meh, it was my first scratch so it wasn't supposed to be good. Also, I'm probably next to no help for the revamp 'cause I don't do them. But, the outline looks almost all black. Again, that's illegal.
  18. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    My first scratch ever~ In blue soo your eyes don't burn out. I made it for WW's game, I think.
  19. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    The fire is 2Dish, but pretty good for a pixel-over in general. The tail is kinda shaky, and the right(our right) foot-leg doesn't look attached. Basically what everyone else said.
  20. Dragon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Ahaha, it's so awesome~ Is the light coming from the top left(our left)? I'm going to judge it like a Pokemon sprite, for my convenience. The outline's kinda bright, maybe darken it a bit? And more overall shading. I like it~ Raikou's silver crest-thing looks out of place, and Suicune's head...
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